Equity is a cross-cutting theme in the Global Stocktake (GST) and has been acknowledged as such by Parties in multiple contexts, even though the formal terms of the GST appear to constrain its formulation to the ‘collective’ level, instead of considering individual countries’ needs and required actions. This webinar, organized by the Equity Working Group (EWG) of the independent GST (iGST), an initiative of ClimateWorks Foundation, is intended to provide an overview of the climate equity landscape and the needs based approach to operationalizing equity within a stocktake that intends to take the equity challenge seriously. The relevance of the needs based approach for the larger stocktake challenge will be discussed, with specific examples provided for finance and loss and damage.
Tom Athanasiou, EcoEquity and Climate Equity Reference Project
Sivan Kartha, Stockholm Environment Institute
Sonja Klinsky, Arizona State University
Xolisa Ngwadla, independent consultant
Harald Winkler & Farhan Akhtar, Co-Facilitators of the Technical Dialogue of the GST
Mariana Paoli, Christian Aid
Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, former Chair of the SBSTA
Vincente Yu, GST lead negotiator for G77+China
Harjeet Singh, Climate Action Network International